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Every day, throughout Italy, we offer food support, street assistance, socio-healthcare, and accommodation in facilities and apartments to thousands of poor individuals, helping them to regain their lives.

Abroad, we are active with development projects and humanitarian aid interventions in response to emergencies.



Food is a primary need, and getting it to where is lacking is one of our priorities. Every year we deliver millions of meals: breakfasts, lunch and dinners in the canteens of our facilities and along the roads with food trucks, food parcels

to the home of families in economic difficulty across the whole national territory; and grocery shopping that the most vulnerable households can do for free in our Social Markets, which serve as outposts against poverty and social exclusion.




Progetti Internazionali Progetto Arca

International projects

Emergency aid is our mission, and it knows no borders. Even abroad, we are committed to combating hunger and poverty and reducing inequalities through development and food support projects, with specific attention to the health and well-being of women and children.

Emergenze Progetto Arca


Thanks to the Emergency Fund, we can promptly respond in humanitarian crisis situations and disasters, addressing the most urgent initial needs by sending essential goods and providing basic assistance to those who have suddenly lost everything and need everything.