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reception facilities


days of reception


people hosted

In addition to social housing apartments, Progetto Arca manages large-scale facilities open year-round, day and night. We welcome some of the most vulnerable people: the homeless, often suffering from physical and mental health issues after years of living on the streets, and, in the Centri di Accoglienza Straordinaria (CAS), war refugees, asylum seekers, and unaccompanied minors fleeing violence, persecution, and extreme poverty.

With our multidisciplinary teams of professionals, and in collaboration with local public services, we create for each guest a social and educational project. The first goal is the recovery of their physical and mental well-being, and the ultimate objective is to help them achieve the greatest possible independence.

We support

the individual’s access to social and healthcare services, accompanying them to appointments or specialist visits, and to public offices.

We assist

our guests with the bureaucratic and administrative processes needed to regularize documents, obtain enrolment in the National Health Service, and in all phases of the procedure for international protection recognition, through free legal consultations.

We guarantee

Psychological support and healthcare assistance through internal clinics at our facilities.

We promote

Activities that favour the inclusion in the community: from Italian language courses to school enrolment for minors, from professional training to activating job placements and internships.

Women and children are the most vulnerable groups in emergencies and conflicts. Thanks to the involvement of cultural mediators and psychologists, in our Centre of Extraordinary Hosting in Milan, we offer special programs for women and single mothers awaiting international protection, including:

prevention activities such as screening and vaccination awareness
sexual education programs
courses on conscious motherhood and parental support

The aim is to spread the value of prevention and protection, support our guests in safeguarding their health and that of their children, promote knowledge of local services, and facilitate autonomous access to these services.