Progetto Arca was established as Association in 1994.
Mission: provide concrete assistance to people in conditions of severe poverty and social exclusion.
It was recognized as a non-profit organization (onlus) in 1998 and in 2008 it became a Foundation.
Since 2023 it is an Organization of the Civil Society (OSC), actively participating in the international development cooperation system.
Download here the Act of Transformation from Association to Foundation.
The Statutory Bodies of the Foundation
The statutory bodies of the Foundation are: the Board of Directors, the President, the Vice President, the Supervisory Body, and the Scientific Committee.
Alberto Sinigallia, President and General Director of Progetto Arca
Laura Nurzia, Vice President and Director of Control and Planning at Progetto Arca
Luca Capelli, President and General Director of Fondazione Progetto Mirasole Impresa Sociale
Roberto Corno, Labor Consultant
Luca Degani, Lawyer
Monica Poletto, Chartered Accountant
Its members are:
Gian Mario Colombo, President, Chartered Accountant elected by Fondazione Rosa dei Venti
Giuseppe Pio Garbellano, Chartered Accountant elected by Federazione Lombardia of the National Coordination of Reception Communities (CNCA)
Nunzia Vittoria Nicoletta Radoia, Chartered Accountant elected by the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan and Lodi
Its members are:
Stefano Gheno, Università Cattolica di Milano, coordinator
Giuseppe Guerini, Comitato Economico Sociale Europeo (CESE)
Luca Pesenti, Università Cattolica di Milano
Irene Bengo, School of Management of Politecnico di Milano
Laura Nurzia, Fondazione Progetto Arca
Executive Committee
In addition to the statutory bodies of the Foundation, the day-to-day management of the Foundation’s services and projects is handled by the Executive Committee, which includes:
Alberto Sinigallia, General Direction
Laura Nurzia, Planning and Control Direction
Monica Barbarotto, Projects Direction
Silvia Mazzuoccolo, Management Direction
Costantina Regazzo, Services Direction
Alice Stefanizzi, Marketing, Communication and Fundraising Direction